Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tonight's Democratic debate in Vegas

Just a few thoughts before I hit the sack. It was, in my view, the best democratic debate thus far. All the candidates did well. The debate was civil and substantive. The candidate's danced around the land mines set out by the moderator's and sought to strike an agreeable tone with each other.

My misty eye'd moment ended abruptly after the debate, as Chris Matthew's began to pontificate, leaving me wondering if he even watched the same debate. He immediately went for the pundit "money shot" claiming Hillary had won the debate, that she seemed more Presidential, etc., etc. This is the same guy who tends to castigate Hillary on points of fashion and appearance, on her voice, etc. I can't get a read on him: he's equal parts misogynist and loon. Does he love her or hate her, or simply want to grudge f*** her. Who knows? I sure don't. I angrily shut off the T.V. after about two minutes of his garbage and decided to go to bed. So much for my pleasant mood.

I thought Obama did particularly well tonight. He expanded on answers and even moved the debate into topics that get short shrift in these debates, like education. I thought he was particularly effective in those moments. He was substantive, talking wonkishly about the policies he wants to put in place. This addressed a criticism that has been levied at him throughout the campaign: that he talks a good game, but is there anything of substance beneath the veneer of articulate rhetoric, and I think tonight he demonstrated that indeed he's as substantive as he is inspirational.

As I said, it was a good debate. It really puts into stark contrast the democratic field from the republicans. If this debate had any winner's tonight, it was the American people and the democratic party. The democratic candidates dance circles around the stuffed shirts masquerading as conservatives in the republican primary. It is going to be a good year for democrats up and down the ticket.

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